Describe the role of situational and dispositional factors in explaining behaviour.
- Address the question
- In the psychological world, there are many different methods and approaches to the understanding and explaining of why or how people behave in certain situations.
- Introduce Fritz Heider
- Heider (1958) suggested that all people have a tendency to try to predict, understand and explain human behaviour, in terms of what causes people to behave in the ways that they do.
- Introduce "attributions
- One way that people interpret and explain causal relationships in the social world is through attribution --> which has laid the foundations for the attribution theory (AT) proposed by Heider (1958).
- Attributions are "the beliefs about why people behave as they do" the end result of a process in which people use available information to make inferences about the causes of a particular behaviour.
- Therefore, AT is concerned with explanations of how each of us attributes causes for our own and others" behaviour.
- Introduce Heider"s assumptions
- According to Heider, when we observe somebody"s behaviour we are inclined to attribute its cause to either dispositional (internal) factors of that person or to situational (external) causes.
- Describe the two types of attributions, with examples
- Dispositional attributions: We explain people"s behaviour in terms of factors which are specific to them as a person, such as their personality or other internal and generally unchanging characteristics, traits, feelings, moods and abilities.
- Can be positive or negative
- An example of a dispositional attribution (commonly seen as innate factors)
- They are always late; they have been like that since they were born, etc.
- Situational attributions: One"s behaviour is assumed to be/dependent upon their current circumstances, situation or the environment that they are in.
- An example: Blaming the weather for something that has happened
- Example of attribution situations you could use for your essay. There are many real-life examples of how these two attributions are used in a daily basis.
- The following scenario was observed by Evans-Pritchard among the Azande people of Central America.
- Situation: The situation was that several people in the village were killed when a granary doorway collapsed.
- This resulted in the villagers to have attributions on why the door collapsed and killed so many people.
- Their attributions for this circumstance was that:
- The Azande attributed their deaths, or the fact that they were standing next to the walls when it collapsed was to witchcraft.
- However, although E-P noted and told the villagers that the doorway had been eaten through by termites (representing its unstableness), the Azande people still attributed the situation to occur because of witchcraft.
- This study shows how people may have different ways of attributing causes to events.
- Another scenario would be for example,
- Situation: A person is sitting in a restaurant, waiting for their date to show up, but he or she is late.
- This would result in us looking for explanations or "attributing" possible situations as to why he or she has not yet arrived.
- Possible attributions might be:
- We attributed his lateness to the dispositional factor of their nature as being late all the time.
- Or towards a situational basis, that he had missed his/her bus, or heavy traffic may have occurred or even the result of their car breaking down.
- Thus, outline the purpose of your essay
- As such, this essay response will aim to give a detailed account in the role of dispositional and situational factors in explaining behaviour.
- Provide a brief explanation of why we tend to attribute behaviour?
- We tend to attribute behaviour because humans are "social animals" (as underlined by one of the fundamental principles of the SCLOA) and have a need to understand why things happen in the world around us.
- People tend to make attributions based on when they are performing it themselves or if they are observing it happen. This is known as the actor-observer effect.
- State the problems and possible errors that concerns making attributions
- However, when judgements are passed there is usually some form of bias, as both situational and dispositional factors are not considered from every viewpoint/angle.
- Errors can occur when attributing tne"s behaviour, however it is also important to note that people can accurately attribute causes of behaviour to these factors (situational or dispositional) as well.
- Give an example of an error that could occur in attribution
- An example of a common error when attributing one"s behaviour is humans tendency tver- emphasize dispositional factors over situational factors, especially when they are judging other people"s behaviour; this is known as the fundamental attribution error (FAE).
- Generally attributions follow this trend (optional)
- Positive outcomes (individual behaviour)
- Dispositional
- Negative outcome (individual behaviour
- Situational
- Positive outcome (other individuals)
- Situational
- Negative outcomes (other individuals)
- Dispositional
- Explain FAE"s role in attributing one"s behaviour to dispositional/situational factors
- Exploring FAE gives us more insight on the roles of situational and dispositional factors when explaining behaviour, and also helps us to be more open-minded to the possible alternative factors that cause people to behave in a certain way.
- Give Example
- An example of how people attribute dispositional and situational factors to explain behaviour is through Zimbardo"s Stanford Prison Experiment (1971).
- To investigate how people react in difficult situations.
- Zimbardo created a simulation of a prison in Stanford University basement.
- He randomly assigned the volunteers/participants to be either the guard or prisoner in the prison simulation. Therefore the IV was role (prisoner or guard).
- DV was behaviour observed through direct observation, video and audiotape.
- After a while, the volunteers playing the role of guards started to show acts of empowerment, aggression and a more confident attitude compared to the volunteers playing the role of the prisoners.
- Whilst the prisoners became passive, depressed, anxious and experienced loss of control over life.
- The volunteers acted like what their roles in their situation/predicament would be in real life prison conditions.
- This study demonstrated that situational rather than dispositional factors caused negative behaviour and thoughts found in prison settings.
- Zimbardo"s study is a prime example of how people can use either dispositional situational attribution to explain the behaviours of certain people.
- Thus, it can be seen that dispositional and situational causes of behaviour are attributed by people to explain the cause of behaviour.