Are you good at IB? Then we've got a job for you! We're busy building a new system that will allow our users to write content directly onto the website, and earn money in the process.
We've split up subjects into small sections according to their syllabi (for example, biology topic 1.1.1 represents a section). All you need to do is write a study guide for a section, and you will earn a certain amount of money (each section is given a value depending on it's objective points, length, and difficulty). You can also earn a bonus (some extra money on top of the section's value) if the content is very well written, or you provide additional diagrams.
We're still busy building the system, but it will hopefully be ready by the end of December 2013. At first, we'll be running a limited beta, just to be sure that everything is functioning properly. After it has been thoroughly tested, we'll let anyone signup.
If you would like to participate in the beta trial (you'll earn money just as you will after the beta), please fill in the form below, and we'll get back to you. A great advantage of participating in the beta program, is that you'll get to pick out all the best sections before anyone else!
Unfortunately, we won't be able to support all subjects as the system requires a strict syllabus (one that has clearly defined topics, subtopics and sections).
Here is a list of the subjects we will be supporting (note that they may not all be present during the beta phase):
If you have (or would like to write) content for other subjects, we can work with you to submit it in another way. Although you'll have to have a decent amount to submit and we will need to review it before accepting it. Payment will depend upon the amount of content you submit.
If you would like to submit content for a subject that is not supported by the new system, please use our contact form to send us a message.